
So, of all the seeds of all the plants, why have I chosen the Viola for my artists book/sculpture/installation? Well, for one thing it was the first wildflower, or weed, that came to mind that has been accepted into most people's gardens. Most people are happy to have a viola or pansy or violet in their garden at some point - especially in the winter to add colour and joy to an otherwise dull garden at that time of year. I often find them popping up in my garden, and rather than pulling them up and putting them in the garden waste, I will welcome it and water it, or even pot it up and give it pride of place on my patio table. As a genus, researchers at Kew Gardens confirm the Viola as being native to Asia-Tropical, Europe, Africa, Falkland Island, Hawaii, Southern America, Northern America, Australasia and Asia-Temperate - so most of the world! viola distribution map It's also called 'hearts ease', which doesn't really have much to do with migration, ...